The Curriculum at Lark Hill
The PRIMARY National Curriculum can be viewed by clicking this link. Within this framework, we are continually developing and reviewing the curricula diet Lark Hill children receive to ensure our curriculum meets these requirements:
Meaningful and relevant to our children.
Inspires, excites and evokes wonder.
Makes children curious and encourages questioning.
Values struggle and perseverance and promotes high expectations for all.
Teaches self-regulation and impulse-control.
Is full of opportunities for pupils to be creative and think creatively.
Although based on the requirements of the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, we ensure that there is flexibility to adapt the planning according to the interests and learning needs of our learners. Each class has a main theme and as much of the learning as possible is linked to this theme, making it relevant and meaningful to our children as well as reinforcing learning across subjects. Themes are linked to engaging stories and class books. We use a number of different approaches to explore and deliver learning through the themes to enable the children to develop the skills they need to be confident and successful learners. The children are involved in the planning stage of new themes as we value their ideas and contributions and believe that they learn best when they are able to steer and direct their own learning. We want our children to be inquisitive and passionate about their learning and spark a desire for life-long learning.
We are constantly developing and reviewing exactly what each subject should look and feel like for our learners. Please click on these links to see subject specific examples.
What Reading looks like at Lark Hill
What Writing looks like at Lark Hill
What Maths looks like at Lark Hill
What Science looks like at Lark Hill
What Computing looks like at Lark Hill
What History looks like at Lark Hill
What French looks like at Lark Hill
What Art looks like at Lark Hill
What D&T looks like at Lark Hill
What PSHE at Lark Hill looks like
What RE at Lark Hill looks like
Parents can view curriculum class overviews on the class pages of our website and will receive curriculum newsletters at the start of each new half-term.
Education in the Foundation Stage is centred around seven inter-related areas of learning:
- Personal Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematical Development
- Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Creative Development
Most children entering Reception classes will have already experienced some form of pre-school education. In our Reception class we aim to build on these experiences by providing a well-planned and well-resourced curriculum. Purposeful play is a very important part of this curriculum and is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge. By providing a variety of learning experiences, we aim to help all children develop a positive attitude towards their learning within a caring environment. We recognise that parents are
children’s first educators and we therefore seek to develop an effective partnership between home and school.