Lark Hill Primary School

A Happy Place To Learn


Northgate Road

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Class 4/5 2023-24


Teacher | Mr A Cahill

Teaching assistant | Mr A Scholes

Contact | 


Welcome to Class 4. We are a mixed Year 4/5 class. We are an enthusiastic and hard working class and we would like to share some of the hard work that we do in school with you. We are always working towards achieving our motto that Lark Hill is a place of respect, responsibility, creativity and challenge. We always enjoy sharing work and achievements with each other, please let us know if any children in our class have some news to celebrate achievements.


Please note a change for the summer term.

PE is now on a Tuesday afternoon, either in school with a sports coach or swimming at Avondale swimming baths. 


Exciting new for this half term:






Class timetable

Class timetable 


Curriculum Overview

Curriculum overview


Curriculum News

Autumn curriculum news

Spring curriculum news

Summer curriculum news


Recommended Reading for Year 4 and 5 

Recommended reading for year 4s [click]

Recommended reading for year 5s [click]


A visit from Santa's reindeer and his elves.



Singing at Plane Tree Court Care Home.


Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day 2023


Our visit to Stockport Academy to watch Frozen


Our class assembly on internet safety.

Different ways to solve mathematical problems. 

Cricket with Cheshire County Cricket.


Border Moves - Learning about African drumming and different styles of dancing. 



Link to Geography puzzle - European Countries jigsaw